Khalaq al-insana min alaq,
There have always been times in my life when I felt some kind of a vague combination of ignorance, non-ability and imprisonment from within.
I have been experiencing such another circumstance since I started another academic course in Shaheed Labbafi Nezhad Hospital, some two weeks ago. Everything started to penetrate to my soul, body and life by reviewing the anatomical structure of eyes through a course called Ophthalmology in the first two days of my presence in the hospital. Although I had had a similar and even more detailed course some four years ago, I got much more breathless and paralyzed listening to the professor at this time. It is mostly impossible for me to help you get the impression I got at that time, however, you may already have even more profound and authentic sense of your own eyes, or eye in general. I don't know exactly which mesmerized my reasoning and which enchanted my eyes, the lure of such a complicated apparatus installed in a miniaturely small hollow space known as orbital fossa, the breath-taking nature of the harmony of all it's parts in association with that for brain, the mysteries hidden underneath it's creation, or millions of other secrets making fun of my ignorance by withdrawing their revelation unto me. Whatever the reason was , I was in an extremely confusion state, about to burst into tears. I didn't even know why I wanted to weep, it might have been due to all the sins I'd committed misusing my eyes as they were marching in front of me, or might have it been because I could feel God's presence just as close as my neck veins through the miracle of eyes. At that time, I was recalling myself of a typically-shallow claim that I'd used to make facing Bani-Israel stories and prophet Moses' miracles. I had used to address Bani-Israeli jews as the most idiot people of the entire history as if they could never have any common character with me. At that time, I made a vow that I would never waste my eyes over committing sins which eyes never ever deserve, regretfully I was still doing so though, looking at .............
Now, for me it is like a proven fact that eyes are the same as what is called like heart-eye. I also do believe how unfaithful I would be if I don't respect my eyes and their creator.
Allahumma aqfir lia al-zonoubi allati tahbisu al-doa!