Tuesday, May 22, 2007


24 HOURS is what I have always been told, since my childhood, to make a whole one day and night. Now how a PERSON spends this 24 hour is an ISSUE. This time can be spent on MUST MUST type of tasks like EATING, SLEEPING, ... or it can be spent on LUXURIOUS, MUST type daily tasks, like SPORTS, FUN, ... or on TOTAL WASTE of TIME type of daily task, like THINKING! or some other types .... The COMBINATIONS of these TYPES are also POSSIBLE. How this time is managed depends on a person. I have and had a very dear Friend who manages his daily time as if he has 72 hours a day! very successful person alhamdolellah. I asked him once how he does that? and he said he knows how to MANAGE his TIME EFFECTIVELY. I myself spend my daily time very simple, MUST MUST choice, EATING constantly and SLEEPING all the TIME! Wonder how that can be done, sleeping while eating or eating while sleeping!? The answer lies on how you define SLEEPING!; PAUSE PHYSICALLY, PAUSE MENTALLY, or BOTH!
Please let's be HONEST with ourselves!
DON'T BLAME POOR SCHOOL WORK or other poor ....